Usage instructions for authors to contribute material here.
Local Installation
This site is built by Github Pages using [jekyll]. See
[local testing] for instructions on testing it locally.
Typically, this involves installing ruby
, then the right
version of jekyll
(3.9.0 at the time of writing), and
bundle exec jekyll serve
This site is meant to be used only for “extra” documentation, that cannot be published via vanilla markdown files in the repo, or via the rust docs. These may be RFCs, or documentation containing considerable diagrams, tables or math in it. Outline of the organization here:
├── rfcs RFCs
├── docs Extra docs, and other ref. material
├── support Additional one-off / temporary material
For RFCs, and docs, the source used to generate is best also checked into the main repo. The advantage here is mainly custom CSS, mathjax, etc.